About Naeema

 Welcome to my creative space! I'm Naeema, the artist behind the scenes here in New Zealand. Growing up surrounded by a family of creatives, I learned early on to let my imagination run wild. In my teenage years, I found my passion in sketching floral Mehndi patterns—a beautiful blend of my Fijian Indian roots and the soothing dance of pen on paper.

Yet, there was a feeling that something was missing in my artistic journey. That's when I stumbled upon the enchanting world of Islamic art, where the beauty of Arabic script became my muse. Each letter, a work of art in itself, weaves together to tell a story that resonates deeply. For me, art is a personal expression, a journey uniquely mine. I feel blessed to share the richness of my religion through the strokes of my brush.

As you explore my website and the diverse paintings on display, you'll uncover the stories behind each piece, providing a glimpse into the tapestry of my artistic identity. Thank you for being part of this journey. My hope is that my art brings you the same joy it brought me in its creation. Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds! <3